Overcoming Regrets and Remorse

Both regrets and remorse can motivate, but often these leave us in a state of paralysis. The conversation in our head might sound a little like this: I wish I had… If that did not happen, I would have…If only this had happened instead…
To stay in this place of stagnation is super easy. But God desires change, and life. He wants you to thrive! That’s right! You heard me, yet don’t take my word for it. Listen to what Jesus says in this comparison between God’s plan and the Devil’s:
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
John 10:10 NASB
Abundant Life
A few thoughts first. Jesus wants this abundant life to start now, today. You and Jesus walking together. Imagine for a moment that you knew there was a treasure in your backyard. How hard would you search? What if you found out it was worth millions of dollars? Jesus is not promising millions, but He is promising a connection with Him that cannot be severed, full of hope, peace and a purpose that is eternal!
Second, the enemy of our souls seeks to keep you and me from experiencing power in and through Christ. If you want to know more about this, check out I Peter 5:6–11.
Now, in James 4:7 we get a plan that is simple, but effective.
“Submit therefore to God. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.”
James 4:7 NASB
That seems so simple, but here is what it means. Give yourself to God. Agree with His plan for you. Stop believing the lies. Say no to the Devil’s schemes and the old lies that you have believed and choose to believe what Jesus says! The Devil will leave.
Think about how much time is lost in regret and remorse year after year, but with no change. Let me ask these questions:
Do you HOPE that Jesus promises life now, or do you KNOW this is true?
We can have confidence through Jesus to say I know He loves me, and all His promises are true for me! (Go back and read John chapters 1–3.) Our hope is based on facts!
What do I do after submitting to God and resisting the Devil?
It is time to move forward, focus on Jesus, and put the past just where it belongs–behind. The best lies forward!
Today, practice the act of laying aside the past.
Philippians 3:12–14.