About Me

About Me

Dean Tomlinson

Do you feel stuck? Not sure where to go or where to turn? We all find ourselves there sometimes, and I am no exception. We all have a story, and we are all valuable. I have found through my own journey of brokenness and struggle that each day is brand new, and everybody has the opportunity for a do over. This is what grace is all about!

This grace is found in Jesus Christ. I love to help people connect to Jesus no matter who they are or where they find themselves. Jesus takes you where you are but does not leave you there.

I am a real person who has been given much love, so I want to give back extravagantly. My personal story is one of heartache, sickness, triumph, failure, joy, and growth, and I am learning that God is more interested in our process than just an end result. Join me in this process. Let’s journey together!